
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

How many of your former students did you meet in the GYM today?

Today I went to the Dodge gym of Columbia, during the day. This is one of the benefits I have earned by finishing all my teaching last semester. I believe it has been years since the last time I went to the gym, in the middle of a day, on a weekday, during an academic year.

I think I definitely saw at least four of my former students. That reminded me of one time when I said one can estimate how many students one has taught by the number of former students one meets on a brief walk on campus during a weekday or in a local restaurant during the weekend. Of course, such an estimation asks for extra information such as how many students actually walk on campus and how many students go to local restaurants during weekend.

For me, those numbers have been greater than zero almost with probability one. :) But, four on a brief visit to GYM?! That surprised me. Then I remembered the fact that a lot of former w1111 project groups wanted to do their data collection in the GYM until at one point I "banned" that topic.

Oh, I thought, so they did go to gym themselves.

In the unforeseeable future, when I have time, I will spend fixed amount of time at different locations on campus, at a same grid of times of the day, on a same selection of days of the week, to see how the number of former students met varies across campus. Variables to control are estimated traffic flow and outdoor weather.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you can squeeze time to do things that you'd like to no matter how busy you are. :)